PhD Candidate

Gaea Morales
Gaea (GAY-yah)
Morales (Mo-RAH-les)
I am a PhD Candidate in Political Science and International Relations at the University of Southern California. I am a doctoral affiliate of the USC Security and Political Economy (SPEC) Lab, and served as a Grand Strategy Predoctoral Fellow (2022-23) at the USC Korean Studies Institute and Sonosky Fellow for Environmental Sustainability Research (2022-23) at the USC Wrigley Institute for Environment and Sustainability.
I am motivated by questions on why and how global norms translate into local action and lived realities. I interrogate the motivations and mechanisms by which city government bureaucrats "localize" international agreements, and by extension, these processes' material impacts. Much of my research covers topics at the intersection of global and local governance, including international organizations, international law, and (sub)state capacity, with a thematic focus on environmental and climate politics. I have a regional interest in Southeast Asia, and have conducted extensive fieldwork across the major coastal capitals of Metro Manila, Philippines; Jakarta, Indonesia; and Bangkok, Thailand.
My research has appeared in the Journal of Human Rights, Journal of Conflict Resolution, and Sustainability. My research has been supported by the International Studies Association Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Michael Young Memorial Fellowship, Gold Family Graduate Fellowship, and USC's Center for International Studies.
I received a BA in Diplomacy and World Affairs and French Studies, with a minor in Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies from Occidental College.
Prior to graduate school, I have work experience in international and local agencies, including the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Philippines, United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) New York, and the Los Angeles Mayor's Office of International Affairs.
In between teaching, researching, and conferencing, I am an avid chorister, café hopper, stress baker, and forever on the hunt for Los Angeles' best Southeast Asian food offerings and Metro Manila's best pastries.